It isn't often we see rising UFC mega-star Ronda Rousey involved in political issues, however her name recently came up when business mogul turned United States presidential candidate Donald Trump was talking about women filling the roles of front line combatants in the United States military.
Trump went as far as to say he would draft Ronda Rousey, who he claims likes him, to fight on his side.
"I guess the answer is yes," Trump told
CNN. "Because they're really into it. Some of them are really, really good. I'll tell you what, I know some woman that are just -- Ronda Rousey is an example, who likes me. ... I'd take her on my side as a fighter."
There's only one problem with that -- Rousey doesn't actually like Trump.
Not as far as someone who should be running the United States of America, anyway.
"I mean, I wouldn't vote for him," said Rousey in response to
CNN. "I just really wouldn't trust the guy with running my country, that's all. ... I'm not really going to get into specifics of it, but, I mean, I don't want a reality TV star to be running my country."